
The anchor idea of our ‘core content’ story, Building a competitively insulating “wellness” experience for Walgreen’s.

80% of a patient experience is outside the primary care provider (the doctor, the hospital etc). In this context the pharmacist  and the pharmacy can become a compelling differentiator to own the position for “second care center” in US. Its in that context the point of view is being built – making Walgreen’s my ‘wellness’ home with all services from health to wellness. To make this possible we have a Digital Product idea : Leveraging next generation thinking on Mobile Social–IOT-Cognitive to deliver a wellness experience that is competitively insulating and incredibly differentiating.

Main Goals

To build this product, there are four basic technical concepts.
1. App in an App ecosystem. We want to build the world’s first deep linked and most comprehensive wellness  "app in app”  in Digital Health. For example : MDAnderson Cancer App will be the specialized app focused on cancer care within the Walgreen’s app system. We will set up the right partners and specialists to provide content into the app eco system that covers all key disease conditions and wellness opportunities.

2. App with an in built bio native AI : We want to construct natural ‘Artificial Intelligence’ into the app system. In simple the terms the app should  biologically age with the user and put relevant content as the person interacts over time. In other words – become a personal concierge/caregiver over time at both a physical and emotional level.

3. API Ecosystem : We want to add Digital Edge (UST) have the broadest API ecosystem that connects to any interface a patient/customer chooses. For example – if the patient wants a FITBIT link to diabetic treatment, we need to have the API’s built that enables this to happen. We want to demonstrate this capability in the SOCIAL API space with Facebook, Twitter etc.

4. Cognitive Intelligence Augmentation : The cherry on the cake is to run this ecosystem on the cloud with cognitive agents that delivers a superlative 1:1 consumer experience.

OUr Process

UST can help resolve the IT and Visual Engineering problems present in much of the CX and UX process.


Gather tangible ideas, with clear and concise value related to the application, website or portal.


Gather expectations and spend time researching why certain aspects are successful or unsuccessful, set user expectations.

3. Understanding Users

Begin to understand the user experiene through wire frames, site map plans and face to face connections with the client & user

4. Wireframing
& Mockups

We begin the creative wireframing process by sketching out quick concepts and mockups, moving to defining the user experience and planning a site map.


Through the wireframing process, we gather what is most applicable and relevant to the user experience, and create UI mockups.


Leverage visualization tools for requirement validation. The use of prototyping tools will help lower requirements ambiguity & project risks, and also accelerate requirement development phase.


Prototyping accelerates requirement development phase. The use of prototyping helped to lower requirements ambiguity & project risks.
Open Prototype